Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Lydia And Violet's Little Play House

When we got our washer, we decided that we definitely had to keep the box. When we got our dryer a while back, Ryan made it into a little fort for Lydia and she thought it was the coolest thing ever. So, this time we had to make the box fort extra cool! Ryan cut out shapes all around it for the Door, windows, peek-a-boo holes, and a star shaped sunroof. Then we got our painting clothes on, covered the kitchen floor with tarps, and we all painted it together. Violet preferred to paint herself, but she did get some paint on the fort! It was so much fun. Right now it's in our living room. Like the last one, it won't last for too long, but we'll enjoy it while we have it!

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Grandma B said...

What a new and creative way to use a box !!! and an amazing work of art. However, I CANNOT PRINT A PICTURE FOR MY BOOK FROM YOUR SLIDESHOW !! Now if that isn't a subtle hint, nothing is...I love everyone' blogs, because it gives me new "toys" to try to play around with. Have a wonderful day. Love you all....G & G

SpinKick said...

You guys are too cute.

Rebecca said...

I want to come play! I miss my playhouse so much! Thanks for being darling parents to my darling girls. Love you, Becky

dayna said...

oh this is so so fun. so glad you live in the moment and knew the memories were worth the effort. love ya!

Tegan said...

How fun!!! I remember when I was little my dad would bring home all his big boxes like those from his house and we would play for hours making tunnels!!! I bet your girls love it!!

The Graham Family said...

/you will never be able to get rid of that box. That is so much fun!!!!!!!!!!! I want a big box.