Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007

Bear Lake Fun! (And anniversary #7!)
So we spent our memorial day weekend at Bear Lake at Reed and Dixie's condo. It was so great. It was our 7th anniversary and we had such a wonderful time even though we were there with the kids. We didn't get much time alone but we had so much fun being all together.
We went up on Saturday and then on Sunday went over to Reed and Dixie's house where Sherm, Becky, James, Jon, Emma, Joel, Tegan, Peyton, Dayna, Matt, and little Joel were staying. Lydia and Joel had so much fun playing together and it was great to see everyone! Dayna looks so cute pregnant, and we all gave her our thoughts on little "baby girl Young's" first and middle name.
So, I guess Lydia inherited the clumsy jean from me. Or, maybe not "clumsy", maybe just ditsy! She was in the dining area at the house and she got all excited about playing outside with Joel and just went booking it out the door
not realizing that the screen door was shut, and ran into it at full speed hurting her nose, and totally demolishing the screen door! I think I've done that before as a kid. She was pretty embarassed!
Violet started saying "hello" this weekend. It's so cute! She says "he" and then flicks her tongue out and then says "o". Of course she's usually smiling when she does it because she is almost always smiling! I hope she always has such a happy personality. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with her I felt this tickle inside me kind of like butterflies. It was the way she felt inside of me the entire pregnancy! I just knew she was going to have a ticklish personality!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I Guess It's Time To Start Bloggin' ...

Well, I guess it's inevitable. Although I have great intentions, I am terrible at keeping journal. I have tried several times in my life, only to be left with a box full of notebooks and pretty journals not even half full. I'm always thinking "I need to start writing more down. Maybe if I got a new journal with fresh new smelling paper, I'll feel like writing in it." So, I do for about a little while, and then it ends up at the bottom of the stack of books that I'm trying to read whenever I can get to them and I find it when I'm dusting. I wipe off the cover and think, "Oh yeah, I was going to write more..." Then I sit down and write a confession in my journal that I am so sorry it's been so long since I last wrote anything in it. I think I have a bout 10 journals with that confession in it. Eventually, I'll go so long, that I'll go out and buy yet another journal to partially fill.
So, I'm not making any promises to you who may read this or to myself. I'll either write, or I won't. It may be interesting or boring, but I don't care. I'll give it a shot! In the long run, I should at least save some money not having to buy another journal...