Tuesday, March 4, 2008


We were at my women's Bible study at my neighbors' house yesterday. My 9 year old neighbor Aubrey is home schooled and always has a lesson and craft prepared for the 4 or so younger kids to do while the moms have their study. All the kids were sitting at the dining room table and Aubrey was trying to cut some yarn, but her little kid safety scissors just weren't doing the job. She knows she's not supposed to bother her Mom during study, so she decided to go and get her Mom's super sharp scissors for the job. Well, as she was holding up the pieces of yarn and snipping them, Lydia's ear got in the way!

Lydia didn't cry or even say anything. In fact, My friend Lora went in to check on her son, and I heard her say, "Lydia are you o.k.?" But since she wasn't crying, I figured she was. Then Lora came up to me and said, "Holly, Lydia has a cut on her ear, but don't freak out, 'cuz ears bleed a lot." I went in and and found Lydia holding a blood soaked wash cloth on her ear. It looked
pretty bad to me, but I tend to over-react when in comes to blood, so I asked the other ladies for their opinion. They all thought I should just butterfly bandage it.

Tanya, my neighbor and I didn't have any butterfly bandages, so I went into town to get some. But, being the way I am, I couldn't settle for the butterfly bandage. I kept thinking "What if she does need stitches and her ear becomes deformed or something?" So, I called Ryan out of his class for his opinion. He decided too, that it would be best to take her to the Emergency room.

Luckily we did because she needed 3 stitches! I told the Dr. that I almost didn't bring her in, and he said that I would have ended up bringing her in anyway. I guess it would have started to look pretty nasty if we had let it go.

So YAY for me and my "freak out" motherly instinct!

Throughout the whole process, Lydia did not shed a single tear. We were at the emergency room for over 1 1/2 hours, and we got to watch a movie, and she actually siad "Mommy, this is fun!" Later on that day, she said,"This has been a great Day! I got to have a sucker, (which I gave her on the way into town) a popsicle (they gave her at the hospital), and Daddy gave me easter candy!" Wow! I have such a tough kid. I think I would have cried if it were me!


Grandma B said...

Oh Holly....Lydia's ear looks nasty. She really must be brave if she didn't cry. I sure would have. Is her ear going to be alright? How long does she have the stitches in for?

Holly Conger said...

She only has to have the stitches for 5 days. They said if they left them in any longer, it would leave train tracks. The Dr. did a really good job lining everything back up when he stitched her. Her ear is pretty red today though, so we're hoping it's not getting infected! If it's still red tomorrow, we'll take her back in.

dayna said...

Oh my! what a tough cookie. i would have cried! always follow that mom instinct! i've learned moms are usually right.
ps--matt can only grow a stache to the corners of his mouth--it's air force regulation. it's looking pretty bad:)

Tegan said...

O how scary. I know how you were probably feeling. I had the whole mother instinct when Peyton needed her stiches. Nobody thought she needed them but me. I'm glad Lydia is okay and that she is so tough!!!