Thursday, March 6, 2008


Emma and Tegan both tagged me so I better respond or I don't know what might happen...(Kidding!)

The ABC's of Me

A-Attached or single? happily married!
B-Best friend? My Sister Janel
C-Cake or pie? Cheesecake
Day of choice? Saturday
E-Essential item? cell phone, strawberry twizzlers
F-Favorite color? to paint with- teal, and iridescent copper (together)
G-Gummy bears or worms? whatever I feel like that day
H-Hometown? Dubuque, IA
I-Favorite indulgence? skin care
J-January or July? July. I love Hot Hot weather!
K-Kids? Lydia- almost 5, Violet 1 1/2
L-Life isn't complete without? God, My family, and friends
M-Marriage date? 5/26/00
N-Number of brothers and sisters? 1 sister
O-Oranges or apples? Both
P-Phobia and fears? flying. I'm getting better the more I do it though.
Q- Quote? Be like the bird that passing in her flight, awhile on boughs too silent, feels them give way beneath her, yet sings, knowing she hath wings. -Victor Hugo
R-Reason to smile? My cutie girls!
S-Season of choice? Summer. Swimsuits, sun, popsicles...
T-Tag three people: Dayna, Tonia, Janel
U-Unknown fact about me? I can't stand when people drag their fork across their teeth when they eat!
V-Vegetable? Anything but canned peas, I think!
W-Worst habit? Biting the insides of my cheeks.
X-X-ray or ultrasound? Depends on whether the ultrasound is internal or external. Of course I'd prefer EXTERNAL!
Y-Your favorite food? Sushi.
Z-Zodiac sign? Aries

1 comment:

Tegan said...

I love reading fun stuff about people!!! I am glad you posted!!