Sunday, August 3, 2008


Good morning boys and girls. The magic word for the day is "Barack Obama". When you hear that word, scream real loud! (Did anyone else used to watch Pee Wee's Playhouse?)

I try not to talk about politics too much. Still, I must admit, that although I think he's an arrogant loud mouth, that spews out way too much word diarrhea, I do listen to
Rush on occasion in the car. Usually I have the kids in the car with me, but I think that's really the only polotics they are exposed to.

While eating breakfast this morning, Violet, out of the blue said, "Barack Obama".
Clear as a bell! I'm sure as a 2 year old, she has no idea who he is. She's just heard the name enough to think it's fun to say. When she got the reaction out of Lydia and I, (practically rolling on the floor laughing) she continued to repeat it over and over. Today, it has been the phrase of the day in our house.


dayna said...

whew! we are not the only ones. his name has a ring to it, and unfortunately i think that is all some people take into consideration when voting. anyway! joel is obsessed with his name as well and now is asking who's grandpa john mccain is...he is pretty aware of all this election stuff. CRAZY!

Holly Conger said...

Ha! That is so funny that he says "Grandpa". He must be sneaking and watching Jay Leno late at night!

Oh, and just to clarify, I am not endorsing Barack Obama with this post- but Violet could probably do a commercial for him to show his popularity among the too-young-to-vote crowd!