Friday, July 18, 2008

Violet's 2nd Birthday

Our sweet Violet turned 2 on July 12th. We are so blessed to have her in our family. She radiates joy wherever she goes (most of the time!). I have never met a kid who smiles more than her. It's been so much fun so far, I can just imagine all of the fun that is to come!

Her Birthday was on Saturday. She woke up that morning to a house filled with balloons and presents. We thought it would be fun for Ryan, Lydia, and I to go in her room and sing Happy Birthday when she woke up. Not a good idea. She was so distraught about the band-aid on her knee from skinning it the night before, she screamed and cried the whole time we sang. What a home video that turned out to be!

On Sunday we had a party at Sherm and Becky's new house. When she wants to go there she says "Papa, new Papa." She says it all the time! Grandma and Grandpa Biggs came up, and we had so much fun!

Then on Monday we had a party with some of our friends at Willow Park Zoo. The lucky girl had a birthday for 3 days! No wonder she tells everyone "Happy to you" all the time (usually as a part of a farewell- "Bye bye! Happy to you!").

Some other cute things she has been saying are "my want it" and "I foun it!". And every mark on her body, if you ask what happened, she says "Sissy did it." Last night I pointed at a mole on her belly and said it was so cute, and she said "Sissy did it"!

Here are some pictures of her Birthday marathon...

Violet with her cool new sunglasses and purse from Grandma and Papa Foht.

The Hello Kitty cake I made for her party at Grandma and Grandpa Conger's.

She loved all of her presents, but she was especially excited about her "Wall-E" coloring book from Emma.

Our party at Willow park and zoo on Monday.

The ice cream cone cup cakes were a hit!

Oh, my sweet little Violet, you are becoming an independent little sprite whether I'm ready or not! I love you so much!


Tegan said...

It looks like you guys had a ton of fun!! I can't believe she's 2. TIme goes by so fast.

The Graham Family said...

I love the hello Kitty cake. Well done.