Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Positive Side to Airheadedness

Image of painting from

You know how people say if we were never sad, we wouldn't appreciate our happiness as much? Well, I think the same holds true for being an airhead. There are so many times that we have so much on our minds and on our "to do" lists that some things, small, and the unfortunate big, fall through the cracks.

For me, remembering to take out the trash is one of those things that tends to fall through more than others. I can't stand the feeling of hearing the garbage truck zoom by, and realizing that it's too late now. Especially for the recycling, which only comes every other week, so if we miss it, the can gets so full we actually have to make room for surplus until it's emptied. When we miss taking the trash to the curb, we are haunted by a mass of old stinky diapers every time we lift the lid. We are reminded daily what airheads we are for forgetting.

Tuesday night, I remembered to put out our three cans. Wednesday morning came and I heard the first one being emptied. I think I appreciated that sound more than most people who are responsible and take out the trash every week right on time, every time.
So, if I wasn't forgetful, I would have no true appreciation of what it feels like to be so responsible, right?!

(Oh, man, did that post just seem like one of those awful Arctic Circle commercials I despise?)

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