Thursday, September 4, 2008

Violet Lingo

Violet had her first "real" day at school today (without her Mommy and Daddy). She loved it so much. It was sad but cute- when I dropped her off, a teacher came to the car and took her out and I said "Bye Bye Violet" and she didn't look back once. She was so excited for school!

When Ryan picked her up, her teacher told him that Violet really talks a lot. I agree, but I wonder if anyone can understand her besides her family? To give you an idea, these are some translations of some of Violet's everyday vocabulary...

"My hode it" = "I want to hold that"

"My yours" = I want something that belongs to you."

"In-air" = "In there"

"My habit tookie" = "Can I have a cookie?"

"Grr-damma" = "Grandma"

"Jame" = "James"

"No, my homie" = "Hold me, not Lydia"

"Hans....hum" = "Handsome"

"My dude" = "My sunglasses"

...and many more. I'll have to update again later!


Grandma B said...

What a little doll...happy she likes school at the very her "lingo"...and thanks for clarifying it.....LOL

dayna said...

OH SO CUTE! I am so glad that you wrote these down! i miss her cute face!