Monday, September 29, 2008

The Tree is Gone!

We had the willow tree removed over the past couple of days. Before we did the girls and I had a willow fairy celebration and dressed up in willow branches. Here are some pics...

Strike a pose...


After lowering the tree house

Our house is so much hotter without the nice shade!

Lydia drew this picture. She's had a hard time saying good-bye.

We Plan on buying another tree, but of course we won't get shade for a while. Any suggestions???


Grandma B said...

Poor tree...but the pics of the girls are precious. What imagination...the pics of Lydia reminds me of a mermaid.


Tegan said...

These pictures are so great of the girls. They remind me of Hawaiian girls. They wear those leaf things when they do there hulla dancing!!! We miss you guys so so so much and can't wait to come visit soon. Joel just can't take anytime of work at his current job. We are crossing our fingers it will be soon!