Monday, October 15, 2007

My Blog Has Changed

I've been contemplating lately whether or not to start a new blog that was more "me" and not just about family things. Then I wondered if having a blog that was just for my musings would be a little too "all about me". Then I realized that the wonderfully sweet people who read my family blog are probably the same people who would read my other one, so I've decided to just morph the two and go with it. It will take a little more work on my part, but I'm excited! I've even designed my own header- cool hu?


dayna said...

LOVE your header, how cool! and I like the new layout and look forward to reading more about you in your posting. Love you lots!

SpinKick said...

I think it's excellent. Motherhood doesn't have to be your entire identity, though I think that can be even more challenging when the kids are so young.