Thursday, July 26, 2007

What a cute **GIRL** we have!

So, shortly after the post about Violet getting her ears pierced, Ryan informed me that he didn't want to do it. I really wasn't leaning more one way than the other, so I was fine with that. Then, when we were at the airport, two people commented about what a cute boy "he" was. (And she was wearing a headband!) Then, my aunt Norma came to visit us at my parents' house in Iowa and she said "What's his name again?" That's when Ryan and I started talking about getting her ears pierced again.

My mom and I went to the mall and I thought I'd just see how much it would be and what the earrings looked like. I couldn't resist! I knew she would look so cute with them.She was very brave and didn't even cry after the first one. Then, after the second, she did cry, but she was quickly distracted with a blue slurpy! They have healed very well and they are symmetrical (thank God!).

I'll be writing more about our vacation soon! It was great!


Tegan said...

They look so so cute!! I bet you are so glad you did it now instead of when she is older!

dayna said...

so cute, Holly! She is such a cutie. I love the bday photos!

The Graham Family said...

They are very cute. Has anyone called her a boy since?