Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Painting With Lydia

Lydia and I did our first painting together last week. It was so much fun! I taught her different painting techniques all with craft paint, a paintbrush, q-tips, toothpicks, and cotton balls. She caught on so fast! First, we talked about what she wanted a picture of. When she said a castle, I told her to look in her books for ideas. She got to decide where everything would go, including the ground and sky line. She painted the sky, the grass, bushes, flowers, the tree, a lot of the details on the castle, and the princesses' shoes, some of their dresses, all of their accessories, and all but one bird in the sky!

We are working on another painting today!


dayna said...

wow! this is amazing! so cool

SpinKick said...

That is SO cool.