Friday, October 17, 2008

The Biden's

Joe Biden with his son Beau Biden

Last night Ryan and I watched Jay Leno and he had Joe Biden on as a guest. There were many laughs during the interview, but the thing that Ryan and I giggled at the most was when we found out that Joe has a son Beau (pronounced Bo). I know, the little things that amuse us sometimes... but just try saying it-
"Joe Biden, Bo Biden"
I think they should have had a dog named "Be Bum"-
"Jo Biden, Bo Biden, Be Bum!"

(I'm feeling really silly for writing that now...)


Ryan Conger said...

banana fanna fo fiden, me mi mo miden

Grandma B said...

cute....sorry i missed the jay leno show.....early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthly, and wise.....WHAT HAPPENED TO GRANDPA AND ME !!!

today we are going to take pictures of the beautiful genola maple tree in our front yard...the colors are amazing this year....LOL

SpinKick said...

That really is pretty hilarious. Didn't know that!