Sunday, February 10, 2008

"Chrystal Snowmaid"

Yesterday it was about 40 degrees and awesome outside, so we all went out to play in the snow. We really haven't had great "snowman" snow this year because it's been so cold, but yesterday the snow packed awesome, so we decided to make a snowman. After we had the three huge snowballs piled on top of each other, Lydia said "I know Mommy, let's make a mermaid!" So, thinking that it would be a really fun thing to do together, I started shaping our snowman into a mermaid. The snow was so easy to sculpt, that I was having so much fun, I hadn't even payed attention to the fact that Lydia wasn't helping me at all- she was off playing in the snow somewhere else. So, I got a little carried away. After two almost hour long sessions, I had to stop (even though I felt like she wasn't quite finished!). I did make her her tail and body thinner after taking the picture, but haven't had a chance to go back out yet to do more.
Lydia and I decided to call her Chrystal Snowmaid. I enjoyed doing this form of art because it's here and gone so fast, that you have to appreciate it as much as you can in the NOW. It's a good reminder of how things and people can be here one moment and gone the next, so we need to appreciate them while we can!
My neighbor girl told me that she came over and took pictures of her yesterday, and today people have been driving by slowly to look at her. I'm glad she's getting seen before she's gone forever!


Grandma B said...

How absolutely beautiful !!! These pictures are "keepers" for the book. Thanks for sharing. Love..GB

Tegan said...

Holly this looks amazing. In sun Valley they have ice/snow sculptures likes this one and for a second I was wondering where you guys were visiting to see such a beautiful one!! You are so talented!!! I bet Lydia loves it and everyone that drives by!!!

The Graham Family said...

Awesome! That is so fun. It definately makes my little teeny unicorn pegasus that I made for Ella look super wimpy. When it warms up here, I'll have to try to make her a better one...maybe one she can "ride".. :)

dayna said...

holy cow this is amazing! what an awesome memory for all of you. how fun!

Nicole Leavitt said...

Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! You are so nice! It was fun running into you today at the doctors! Your little girls are too cute! :) Take care!

SpinKick said...

You are something else! That's awesome!

Nicole Leavitt said...

oh my heavens! you are awesome! how fun! have you ever heard of the Ice Carnival in McCall, ID? If not, its this awesome celebration every year where they have tons of ice sculptures..and just different people from all around come and make them! You should think about doing it! :)