Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I Guess It's Time To Start Bloggin' ...

Well, I guess it's inevitable. Although I have great intentions, I am terrible at keeping journal. I have tried several times in my life, only to be left with a box full of notebooks and pretty journals not even half full. I'm always thinking "I need to start writing more down. Maybe if I got a new journal with fresh new smelling paper, I'll feel like writing in it." So, I do for about a little while, and then it ends up at the bottom of the stack of books that I'm trying to read whenever I can get to them and I find it when I'm dusting. I wipe off the cover and think, "Oh yeah, I was going to write more..." Then I sit down and write a confession in my journal that I am so sorry it's been so long since I last wrote anything in it. I think I have a bout 10 journals with that confession in it. Eventually, I'll go so long, that I'll go out and buy yet another journal to partially fill.
So, I'm not making any promises to you who may read this or to myself. I'll either write, or I won't. It may be interesting or boring, but I don't care. I'll give it a shot! In the long run, I should at least save some money not having to buy another journal...


The Graham Family said...

Hey. did you tell me you started a blog? I found out by following a path of 3 deleted comments on my blog. LOL :). I didn't know you guys went to the moon! Have fun bloggin! Love ya.

Your sis

Liz Ferguson said...

Hi Holly!

Janel told me you started a blog. Hope you don't mind me taking a peek! :)

You have a very sweet family.

God bless!

Tonia Conger said...

Yahoooo! I'm so glad you have joined the blogosphere! Anything online is so much easier to stay consistent with. Especially when you get fun comments!
The moon looks fun. I wish Nate and I could go.
love you!